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Solution of command ‘dotnet ef’ not found error

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Solution of command ‘dotnet ef’ not found error

If you are getting the mistake “Solution of command ‘dotnet ef’ no longer located” whilst working with Entity Framework Core in a .NET mission, fear not – beneath are steps to troubleshoot and attach commonplace troubles cast off at once.

Steps to solving the issue

  • Make sure to have entity framework core installed
  • Check your .csproj file(project file)
  • Install The EF core Tools
  • Check your PATH Variable
  • Verify your Project Structure

Step1: Make sure Entity Framework Core is established

First of all, verify that Entity Framework Core is established for your mission. You can enter the following command.

dotnet add package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design

Step 2: Check your.Csproj document

Open the .Csproj file of your project and make sure it includes the essential descriptions. Make positive you have the suitable package deal reference for Entity Framework Core equipment:


  <PackageReference Include=”Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design” Version=”5.0.0″ />


Step3: Install the EF Core Tools

Make positive your Entity Framework Core devices are deployed globally. You can enter the subsequent command.

dotnet tool install –global dotnet-ef

Step4: Check your PATH variable

Confirm that the place of the EF Core gadgets is covered on your system’s PATH variable. This step is important for the command-line interface to understand the ‘dotnet ef’ command. You should manually add the gadget listing for your PATH.

Step5: Verifying your Project Structure

Double-take a look at your challenge configuration to make certain you’re strolling the ‘dotnet ef’ command from the perfect directory. Make certain you are inside the identical directory as yours. Csproj file or visit the right project folder.

Follow those steps and you should be able to fix the “command ‘dotnet ef’ no longer discovered” error. To avoid such complications, it is important to remain consistent in your business processes and dependencies. If the problem persists, don’t forget to check that the Entity Framework Core and EF Core tools are updated, as even the most recent changes can encounter compatibility issues


Specifically, fixing this error requires confirming the installation of Entity Framework Core, checking challenge descriptions, configuring EF Core gear, editing PATH variables, and verifying the correct initiative size Following these steps will help you letting you overcome error-free ‘dotnet ef’ and your own .NET project will help maintain a smooth run with Entity Framework Core at work.

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