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Angular Micro Frontends Architecture

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Angular Micro Frontends Architecture

Quick Summary

We live in a traditional society where technology is everywhere. These technological ecosystems evolve with time. Every day, a new technological advancement causes ripples across the industry. Business owners have opted to adopt microservices to adapt to technological change. However, the front end is still waiting for a gift, and the Micro Frontend just so happens to arrive. The benefits of using Angular Micro Frontends are the subject of this blog post. This article also covers the implementation of the Angular Micro Frontends Architecture. Ultimately, this post will help you understand why choosing Micro Frontend Angular is critical to your company’s success.

What is a micro frontend?

An architectural pattern called “Angular Micro Frontends” divides a single, extensive Angular web application into several smaller, deployable, self-contained micro-applications. Every micro-application is in charge of overseeing its own distinct set of features.

The objective is to create a single online application hosted on a single domain by merging web apps based on several technologies and domains. Since the deployment server and the technology stack will share a base URL, this will be completed even if they differ.

The Micro Front Frontend Architecture Angular aims to increase scalability, adaptability, and maintainability by streamlining the web application and promoting modularity. Reducing the web application’s complexity helps achieve this.

When Is It Appropriate to Use Micro Frontends?

When Is It Appropriate to Use Micro Frontends?

Technology Adaptability – With micro frontend design, teams can select and update a technology stack suitable for their specific area. This independence provides for faster development times and more accessible product improvements.

Scalability – A micro frontend architecture, which separates applications into smaller components based on the domains or business logic they operate on allows for scalability. Every group runs independently on several distinct platforms. When an application is scaled up to include several teams, adjustments to one frontend or adding a new element do not affect the work of other teams or the frontend. This facilitates the smooth scaling up of an application.

Maintainability – Under certain conditions, maintaining large-scale applications could be difficult. Micro frontend architecture solves this problem by segmenting the application into manageable chunks and giving each team the duty of preserving the assigned area. Should an individual microfeature or component experience issues, the remainder of the program will remain unaffected.

Deployment and Development Isolation – Every team works autonomously, allowing them to create, test, and implement their frontend component without depending on the work of other teams. This streamlined approach results in increased speed and efficiency.

When you can use Microfrontends?

Knowing what micro frontends are and when to use them is as essential as having a thorough grasp.

Expanding an application can be made much simpler by utilizing the idea of micro frontend architecture. When fewer are working on the program’s development, scaling it might not be an issue. On the other hand, large, distributed applications with a large team membership make a lot of sense for implementing the micro frontend architecture.

Furthermore, handling this task as a single team could prove very taxing if your goal is to develop many native user interfaces and apps that work with a broad spectrum of devices. This is where using a micro frontend approach shines. Although it also has uses in other business domains, electronic commerce is where this technology is most popular.

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Implementing the Micro Frontend Angular Architecture

There are several approaches to implementing micro frontend architecture; the following are some of the more often mentioned ones:


  • The iframe is the tool that is used when independent or nested web pages are loaded alongside the parent webpage.
  • Because it is an HTML element, we may use the Microfrontend Architecture and load an alternate homepage by providing the desired URL inside the tag.
  • The application is more vulnerable to attack because of the unique context of an iframe, the difficulty of sharing data with a parent or other webpage, and the requirement that all operations use the global context and objects, like the browser’s “Window” object, for all operations.


  • Designed for modern web applications, the open-source NGINX web server was created. As long as every application is hosted on the same server, its goal is to provide exceptional speed and make managing the routing of numerous apps easy.
  • The NGINX server processes the request based on the configuration that was supplied on file to match the route and landing page.
  • The mapping of route and landing page details is easy to add, update, and remove because the Config file is just a text file.

Third-Party Managed Libraries

The Angular Micro Frontend Architecture can be implemented with various libraries. Here are a few of the most well-known libraries:

  • Single-SPA
  • FrintJS
  • Module-federation

This library requires some wrapping code or setup but does not require any changes to the current logic or code to support Microfrontend Architecture.

How will Micro Frontend Architecture be used to tackle the above-described problem?

An explanation of how Microfrontend Architecture can be implemented to address each of the above-described problems is provided below:

  • We will be able to share a URL thanks to Microfrontend Architecture. This means the URLs will resemble other single-page applications in that they will look like this: mycompany.com/sales || mycompany.com/accounts || mycompany.com/admin
  • The requirement that all departments use the same programming language code will no longer apply.
  • Using local storage or NgRx, we may share session data amongst all applications. This removes the requirement to log into many domains using a single application.
  • The release process should be swift because only the codes of that department need to be released, regardless of which department’s code needs to be modified

Is It Necessary to Use the Angular Micro Frontends Approach for Every Angular Application?

Many business owners wonder if all applications must be created using the Micro Frontend Angular technique when creating their web apps. And thus! The answer to this question is absolutely “NO!” This method should only be used when building large, complex applications where there is interdependence between the modules and pages and multiple development teams find it challenging to work on the same project concurrently. The classic technique is the most sensible option for simple applications, consisting of a few modules or pages that are not very big.


We had this in our Pandora box about the Angular Micro Frontends. Our sincere goal is that after perusing this blog post, you’ve decided that Micro Frontend Angular is the best option for developing your next web application. On the other hand, if you are a business owner and unsure about whether or not it is the best option for your project given your demands and requirements, you might want to think about hiring an Angular Development Company to help you decide and walk you through the web application development process.


They can operate together as long as the other frontend frameworks can connect with the Micro Frontends via shared services, events, or application programming interfaces (APIs). For example, you can combine any other framework with Angular Micro Frontend, such as React or Vue.js, to create a hybrid application.

The Angular Micro Frontend architectural pattern is utilized for frontend development, while the microservices architecture pattern is employed for back-end development. An application is divided into several smaller, independently deployable services with application programming interfaces (APIs) to communicate between them when using microservices. On the other hand, the frontend application is divided into smaller modules with Angular Microfrontend, and each module is developed and deployed separately from the others. Through events, shared services, or application programming interfaces (APIs), these modules can interact with one another.

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