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Top 10 Laravel Features You Need To Be Aware

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Top 10 Laravel-Features You Need To Be Aware

Why should we use Laravel?

  • Laravel features have an open-source and widely used PHP framework. The platform was intended for the development of web applications by using MVC architectural patterns.
  • Laravel is released under the MIT license. That’s why its source code is available on GitHub. Laravel is a web application framework with a meaningful and graceful syntax.
  • A web framework provides a structure and starting point for creating your application. Laravel lets in you recall growing something great time you sweat the info.
  • Laravel was developed by Taylor Orwell in June 2011. It’s an open-source PHP web framework too supports Model-View-Controller (MVC) patterns for application development.

Features of Laravel

Features of Laravel

Why Laravel?

Progressive Framework

  • Laravel is a progressive framework it is growing with us. And If you just take the first step to web development Company Laravel has the most library examples for documentation, guides, and video tutorial activities that will help with learning.

Scalable Framework

  • The Laravel is incredibly scalable.
  • By the reason of the scaling-friendly nature of PHP and Laravel’s built-in support for fast distributed cache systems, horizontal scaling with Laravel is a breeze.
  • Laravel applications have been easily scaled as well as it’s to handle hundreds of millions of requests per month.

Community Framework

  • Laravel combines the best packages in the PHP ecosystem to offer the most strong and developer-friendly framework available. Who knows, maybe you’ll even become a Laravel contributor.

Top 10 Features

1. Artisan

  • Laravel framework provides a built-in tool for a command line known as Artisan that performs repetitive programming tasks that do not allow the PHP developers to perform manually.
  • Artisans are also used to create the skeleton code, database structure, and migration, which makes it easy to manage the database of the system.
  • Artisan also allows developers to create their own commands.

2. Authentication

  • Authentication is an important factor in a web application. Developers need to spend a lot of time writing the authentication code.
  • Laravel makes a less difficult authentication. It is updated to version 5.
  • Laravel contains an inbuilt authentication system, you only need to configure models, views, and controllers to make the application work.

3. Database Migration System

  • Laravel framework can expand the database without allowing the developers to put much effort every time to make changes.
  • The migration process of Laravel is very secure and full proof.

4. Effectual ORM

  • Laravel contains an inbuilt ORM with easy PHP Active Record implementation.
  • An effective ORM allows the developers to query the database tables by using simple PHP syntax without writing any SQL code.
  • It provides easy integration between the developers and database tables by giving each of the tables their corresponding models.

5. Libraries & Modular

  • Laravel is very popular as some Object-oriented libraries, and pre-installed libraries are added to this framework.
  • These pre-installed libraries are not included in other PHP frameworks.
  • The authentication library is used for a password reset, monitoring user activities, BCrypt hashing, and CSRF protection.
  • This framework is divided into several modules that follow the PHP principles allowing the developers to build responsive and modular apps.

6. MVC Architecture Support

  • Laravel supports MVC architecture. It provides a faster development process than in MVC.
  • Other programmers can work on the view file and others work on the controller for creating business logic for the web application.
  • It provides multiple views for one model. It separates the business logic and presentation logic for avoiding code duplication.

7. Security

  • Application security is one of the most important factors in web application development.
  • Time to develop an application, a programmer needs to take effective ways to secure the application.
  • Laravel has an inbuilt web application security.
  • BCrypt Hashing Algorithm is used to generate the encrypted password that saves in a database, not in the form of plain text.

8. Template Engine

  • Laravel provides an innovative template engine that allows developers to create a dynamic website.
  • The available widgets in Laravel can be used to create solid structures for an application.

9. Unit-Testing

  • Laravel provides unique unit testing. Laravel framework runs several test cases to check for changes that harm the web app or not.
  • Developers can write the test cases in their own code.

10. Laravel Routing

  • In Laravel, all requests are mapped with the help of routes.
  • Routing plays an important role in creating the paths of your site that requires authentication.
  • This is used in attaching the Application URLs to the specific controller view or action.


These features of Laravel can help you to determine why should you use it for development. One of the most important features of Laravel is its security. If you want to build web applications or PHP-based websites then you need to hire Laravel developers and get a fully featured solution.

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