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Ruby on Rails vs Laravel: Which Framework to Choose for Your Next Project?

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Ruby on Rails vs Laravel Which Framework to Choose for Your Next Project

Quick Summary:

  • Choosing the perfect backend framework for your web application is a very crucial process. If you are trying to decide which backend framework is best for you then you should explore the difference between Ruby on Rails vs Laravel.
  • Both Ruby on Rails and Laravel are popular among developers as backend frameworks. Laravel is a backend framework that uses PHP language while Ruby on Rails is a framework that uses Ruby language. If you are trying to figure out the best ruby web framework then let me tell you that Ruby on Rails can be the perfect choice for you.
  • Rails vs Laravel is a common comparison that many developers are doing to find the best backend framework. Laravel is the latest web application framework that is being used to design web applications quickly. Here in this article you will see the Rails vs Laravel performance comparison and decide the best framework for your next project. 
  • While Ruby on Rails framework is a popular framework among developers because it provides many ready-made features that can be integrated easily. Here, you will get a detailed comparison between Laravel vs Rails.
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  • It would become much easier for the developers if they find the best backend framework to build customized web applications. To determine the best backend framework the developers can see a Ruby on Rails vs Laravel performance comparison.
  • In this blog, you will get all the details about the comparison of Ruby vs Laravel and you can decide which framework is best for your business.
  • Here you can see a clear comparison of ROR vs Laravel and decide which one is best for you. There is a huge scope for backend frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Laravel in the future. So as a developer you can decide the framework at your convenience or the developer can explore the comparison of Ruby on Rails vs Laravel to decide the best backend framework.

Difference between Laravel and Ruby on Rails

Difference between Laravel and Ruby on Rails
  • Laravel and Ruby on Rails are both popular backend development frameworks that can be used to build different types of web applications. The main difference between Ruby on Rails vs Laravel is that both frameworks use different programming languages.
  • Laravel is an open-source and most used framework that is written in the programming language of PHP. Laravel framework will contain different types of features that attract developers to use it for building fully-featured web applications.
  • Ruby on Rails is a server-side web application framework that is created using the Ruby language. It will provide many in-built features and developers can use them to deliver feature-rich web applications.

What is LARAVEL?

What is Laravel
  • Laravel is a web framework built in PHP and the developers can build web applications following the MVC pattern. It is an efficient web application framework that developers use to build web applications quickly.
  • Laravel is an open-source framework and it is based on PHP. Because of that, it is popular among developers as many developers have hands-on experience with PHP. Many developers prefer to use Laravel because they can use different types of Plugins in it.

What is Ruby on Rails?

What is Ruby on Rails?
  • Ruby on Rails is a Ruby-based web framework that can be used to build web applications with complex features. Some developers prefer to use the Ruby on Rails framework because it provides the feature of metaprogramming. Laravel vs Ruby is the most trending topic of discussion and I hope that here you will find the perfect framework for your project.
  • Ruby on Rails is backed by XML and JSON that developers use for data exchange. You will see that developers prefer to use this Ruby on Rails framework because it will reduce the development time and developers can focus on the latest features for the web application. Ruby on Rails Performance is better for web application development because it comes with the built-in static compilation tool. Still, if you are confused between Ruby on Rails or Laravel then you should explore the difference that is given below.

Ruby on Rails vs Laravel Comparison

Here you can see a clear comparison between Ruby on Rails vs PHP Laravel and choose any framework that you like. If you are trying to do comparison of Laravel vs Rails then here you will get detailed information about both backend frameworks and decide which backend framework is best for you to build web applications.

LaravelRuby on Rails
LanguageLaravel is based on PHP.Ruby on Rails is based on Ruby.
Founded ByFounded by Taylor Otwell.Founded by David Heinemeier.
Release Year20112004
SyntaxIt uses semicolons and curly braces.It does not provide support for semicolons and curly braces.
UsageLaravel is used to build enterprise-level applications and small websites.Ruby on Rails is used to build database-backed web applications and it provides support for meta-programming.
CommunityThe Laravel community is known as Laracasts and it is constantly growing.The Ruby on Rails community is popular as Railscasts and it is already popular among the developers.
Template EngineLaravel uses the template engine that is popular as Blade.Ruby on Rails uses the default template engine that is known as ERB.
ORM (Object Relational Mapper)Laravel is a framework that uses Eloquent as the Object Relational Mapper (ORM).Ruby on Rails is a framework that uses ActiveRecord as the Object Relational Mapper (ORM).
FeaturesLaravel is famous among the developers as it has authentication capabilities and Laravel has its own CLI (Command Line Interface).Ruby on Rails is popular among developers because it will provide many third-party plugins and better MVC support.
ScalabilityLaravel is better to execute the code and it is adaptable.Ruby on Rails is not the first choice if you want to scale your website or web application.
Learning CurveLaravel has a steep learning curve so you can say that it is not an easy framework to learn.Ruby on Rails has a smooth learning curve so you can say that it is an easy framework to learn.

Laravel Features

Laravel Features

Laravel is one of the most popular frameworks that are used by developers because it provides a rich set of functionalities. This framework provides a straightforward toolbox that allows the developers to write fewer lines of code and have a web application with fewer bugs.

1. Template Engine:

  • Laravel provides an in-built template engine that doesn’t put any type of load on the framework. The developers can use this template engine to create simple and complex layouts for web applications.

2. MVC Architecture Support:

  • Laravel provides support for MVC architecture and it will provide plenty of in-built functionalities that developers will use to improve the performance of the web application.

3. Security:

  • Laravel is a backend framework and it will make sure to deliver highly secure web applications. This framework will use the mechanism of Hash and Salted Password to build highly-secure web applications.

4. Libraries and Modular:

  • Laravel framework will provide plenty of in-built libraries and modules that developers can use to build the most appealing and feature-rich web applications.

5. Unit-Testing:

  • This backend framework will use a unique method for unit testing. Laravel framework will run different types of tests to check if the test damages the web application or not. The developers can even run their test cases.

Ruby on Rails Features

Ruby on Rails Features

Ruby on Rails is a model-view-controller (MVC) framework that will be used by developers to improve the performance of different types of web services and web pages. With the help of Metaprogramming of Ruby on Rails, the developers operate the code without focusing on the data.

1. Symbol Garbage Collector:

  • Ruby on Rails provides support for Symbol Garbage Collector. As you know, passing the symbols will open the possibility of an attack on your web application. This Symbol garbage collector will collect all the symbols to make sure that the web application is safe from the attack.

2. Keyword Arguments:

  • Ruby on Rails provides support for Keyword arguments because they are extremely beneficial for the developers. They will use this feature of Keyword Arguments with the developers to reduce the memory consumption from the web application.

3. Turbolinks:

  • Nowadays you may have faced the problem while using web applications or web pages and that is a slow loading problem. Due to this slow loading issue, many businesses lose their clients.
  • That’s why the Ruby on Rails framework provides the facility of Turbolinks. Turbolinks will only reload the content of the body instead of reloading the whole web page or application.

4. Rendering:

  • Ruby on Rails provides the gem of render anywhere and by using that gem developers can render the views outside of the controller.
  • One of the main benefits of rendering in Ruby on Rails is that developers can render the views for the web application from anywhere.

5. URLs Customization:

  • Ruby on Rails is a backend framework that can be used to build customized URLs. This framework is popular among developers because it can be used to develop search engine-friendly URLs.

Why Use Laravel?

Why Use Laravel

If you are trying to do the comparison of Ruby vs Laravel then you need to understand the uses of both backend frameworks. Nowadays you will see that plenty of things like verification, directing, storing mechanisms, and many more will be done through different types of web applications.

  • Laravel is a platform that can be used to ease the development process of web applications by doing automation for various common tasks. The unique structure of the Laravel framework helps the developers to build customized web applications.
  • Laravel developers will utilize the MVC designs so that they can focus on the logic for the web application. This framework gives liberty to the developers that they can adapt the enterprise-grade applications with complex business ideas and convert them into small web applications.
  • The logic for any business can be divided into small modules and Laravel is a backend framework that gives you the liberty for it. These small modules will help the developers to create a web application that can do the process of directing and storing efficiently.
  • Laravel framework provides the support for PHPUnit and it also includes the famous template engine named Blade. In this framework, the developers can create the best template with inheritance and sections to build high-quality solutions.

Why use Ruby on Rails?

why use ror
  • You need to understand the difference between Ruby and Laravel to decide the best backend framework for your web applications. In Ruby on Rails, you can easily modify and update your web applications as per the performance capability. The developers often gets confused between ruby on rails vs javascript.
  • The developers will do the process of Ruby on Rails app development to build the best backend applications by using JSON and XML. The Model View Controller (MVC) system will set a standard for the development of website admin panels and pages.
  • One of the main reasons to use ROR is that the Ruby on Rails software development process provides the facility of Metaprogramming. The developers will use Metaprogramming of Ruby on Rails so that they can focus on the logic for the web application.
  • Ruby on Rails is a backend framework that can be the perfect choice for developers that are trying to build customized web applications. Many developers use the Ruby on Rails framework to provide eCommerce solutions.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

You may want to figure out the difference between Ruby vs Laravel, then you need to understand the advantages and disadvantages of Ruby on Rails. Just like any other framework Ruby on Rails even has some advantages and disadvantages that you can explore.

Advantages of Ruby on Rails

1. Libraries

  • You can use different types of 3rd party modules and libraries to create the best Ruby on Rails web application.
  • These 3rd party modules and libraries are called Gem and you will find these gems online for free.

2. Code and Its Quality

  • Based on comments, tests, feedback, and reviews the developers can determine if Ruby on Rails provides the best quality web applications.
  • We can say that the quality of coding in Ruby on Rails is better than the frameworks like NodeJs.

3. Community

  • It is quite obvious that the community of Ruby on Rails is bigger as it was launched many years ago.
  • You may not know but Ruby on Rails is one of the most popular and well-known programming languages on GitHub.

4. Toolkits

  • Ruby on Rails is a backend framework that is popular among developers because it provides plenty of toolkits.
  • These toolkits are extremely helpful as the developers can add different features to the web applications.

5. Philosophy

  • Ruby on Rails framework makes sure that developers follow the principle of Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY).
  • Because of this DRY philosophy, the developers can make the application more maintainable.

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Disadvantages of Ruby on Rails

1. Runtime Speed:

  • The runtime speed for the project partially depends upon the type and size of the project. Yes, the main disadvantage of Ruby on Rails is its speed. When the developer is working with databases, this lack of speed is the weakest point.

2. Wrong design:

  • In Ruby on Rails, if the developer took one wrong step while building the architectural design it can be proved very costly. In this framework, every component is related to each and that’s why one mistake will affect the whole project.

3. Documentation:

  • The documentation for Ruby on Rails is available easily but the quality and quantity aren’t properly distributed. Whenever the developer is trying to use less popular libraries or gems they have to face the trouble to find the proper documentation for them.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laravel

Advantages and Disadvantages of Laravel

If you are trying to do a comparison of Laravel vs Rails then you need to check out the advantages and disadvantages of Laravel. Just like any other framework Laravel also comes with a few strengths and weaknesses.

Advantages of Laravel

1. Authentication:

  • Authentication is important for a web application and developers have to spend a lot of time making sure that the application is secure.
  • In the Laravel framework, the process to integrate this authentication facility is very simple and faster.

2. Modularity:

  • Laravel framework provides modularity for the developers so that they can separate and recombine the system’s components.
  • The developers can easily split the business logic into separate parts whenever multiple developers are working on a single project.

3. Caching:

  • Unlike Ruby on Rails, Laravel has an in-built tool of caching that helps to improve the speed of web applications and make them more responsive.

Disadvantages of Laravel

1. Database Queries:

  • If you are thinking that the Laravel web application will always provide the best performance then you are wrong.
  • Whenever multiple queries are executing at the same time on the database, the web application will slow down for sure.

2. Payment Feature:

  • If you are developing an e-commerce web application through Laravel then you will be disappointed because you can’t integrate the payment feature into it.
  • But there are some libraries in the market that developers can use to integrate the payment feature into the web application.

3. Functionality:

  • The server of Laravel works as a website loader so it isn’t an ideal choice for mobile application development.
  • Some developers don’t use Laravel for mobile application development because they can’t add more functionality to the application.

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Companies using Laravel and Rails

  • The best way to understand the difference between Laravel vs Rails is by seeing where these frameworks are used. In the market, you will find many famous companies that are using these backend frameworks to create web applications.

Companies using web applications that are built in Ruby on Rails

Companies using web applications that are built in Ruby on Rails

1. Airbnb:

  • Airbnb is the most popular booking website among travellers and the majority of Airbnb’s tech stack still uses the Ruby on Rails technology.
  • The website is very easy to use, user-friendly, and flexible.

2. Crunchbase:

  • Crunchbase is the platform that helps business owners to find and engage with qualified accounts.
  • It is very helpful for startups and the backend of this platform is written in Ruby on Rails.

3. Dribble:

  • Dribble is a social networking platform for designers and creative people.
  • It is designed with the help of Ruby on Rails and designers can easily share their work on this platform.

Companies using web applications that are built in Laravel

Companies using web applications that are built in Laravel

1. Startups.co:

  • Startups.co is the best platform that is available in the market to help different startups. On this platform, entrepreneurs can find clients and funding.
  • This platform is built using the Laravel framework.

2. Invictawatch.com:

  • It is an e-commerce website development startup. This platform was built in the Laravel framework.
  • This platform will show details like catalogues, images, descriptions, and images of the products.

3. Laracast.com:

  • Laracast.com is the best e-learning platform and it is built by using the Laravel backend framework.
  • If you want to learn Laravel then this startup can be very helpful.


In this Ruby vs Laravel article, you can find the features of both backend frameworks and compare them. Here in the above article on Laravel vs Rails you can understand every aspect of both frameworks and decide which backend framework is best for you.

If you have decided to choose the Ruby on Rails framework for your next project then you may need to consult with a Ruby on Rails Development Company that can build the best ROR application for your business.


 Laravel is a better option for scalability and performance because Ruby on Rails is a bit slower in the terms of scalability of the web application.

Laravel is a better choice for developers if they want to adapt and execute some functionality. While Ruby on Rails is not preferred because it is less scalable.

Laravel is a much better choice for web development as it provides better performance and scalability than Ruby on Rails. Plus, it also provides built-in authentication capabilities that are very useful.

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