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What is Vue.js? Why Vue.js is the Future of Front-End Development?

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What is Vue.js? Why Vue.js is the Future of Front-End Development?


Vue is a versatile technology that can be used in application development without requiring a large number of resources. It is a progressive JavaScript framework used for developing any user interface, with 180k stars on GitHub. In this blog, we’ll look at what is vue.js, why use vue j, why Vue js is becoming popular among web development frameworks and what is vue.js used for, and will further look into the benefits of Vue.js.

Vue is extremely adaptable when compared to other monolithic frameworks on the market. This means you don’t have to fully grasp all of the concepts. If you are trying to determine where Vue Js is used in front end? Then you are at the right place. It has garnered a lot of attention from web developers in a short period of time. Let’s look at the concept and growing popularity of Vue.js and consider the future of Vue js in the web development landscape.

What is Vue.js?

What is Vue.js?

Vue.js is a front-end JavaScript framework created and maintained by Evan You and his active team members. It’s a free and open-source framework for creating single-page applications and user interfaces. With the Vue future looking bright, this framework continues to grow in popularity due to its incrementally flexible design, which emphasizes component composition and declarative rendering.

We at Tagline offer custom web application development services based on Vue.js for creating responsive, user-driven frontend Vue solutions that deliver an exceptional user experience.

Why Vue.js is the Future of Front-End Development (Why Use)

Why Vue.js is the Future of Front-End Development (Why Use)

To answer why use vue, we have a whole list of benefits of vue.js to provide below:

1. Easy To Understand and Learn

  • Only when a tool is simple to understand can it be easily implemented. This may be true when learning the Vue.js framework. Vue does not require extensive knowledge of JSX, TypeScript, or libraries to begin coding, as is typically the case with the other front-end technologies.
  • All you need to get started is a basic understanding of CSS, HTML, and JS frameworks. It is one of the main reasons why Vue Js front end developer prefer to use it to build different types of user interfaces. The most popular code editors, such as Visual Studio and Atom, support Vue and Sublime Text, making it much easier to experiment.

2. Lightweight

  • The Vue.js framework zip file is 18 KB in size. Because the library is lightweight, downloading and installing it is quick. It also has a positive impact on your UX and SEO.

3. Speed and Performance

  • Vue is lightning fast. It is not only the quickest framework, but it also has enough features to provide flawless UX in SPAs and UIs. Vue.js is faster than Angular and React at launching mobile apps.
  • As 53% of consumers abandon mobile sites that take more than 3 seconds to load and the web shifts towards a mobile-first experience, the speed of this framework is an important factor to consider when choosing a JavaScript front-end framework.

4. Integrates with other frameworks

  • The ability to integrate with existing applications is a critical component of any evolving technology. Vue makes it extremely simple because it is based solely on js frameworks and does not require anything to function. You can also write templates in JS, JSX, or HTML with this framework.
  • Vue can be used in almost any new project due to its lightweight nature and components.

5. Easy Customization

  • Vue.js is an excellent tool for any developer because all of its functions are freely available. The developers can simply name the function whatever they want for ease of use. Every component can have a distinct function, making it much easier to modify the web application to meet specific needs.

6. Less Expertise

  • Another effect of Vue’s relative youth is that there are fewer developers and software engineers with Vue experience when compared to React and Angular. Having said that, the user-friendliness of Vue means that even novices and inexperienced professionals will find themselves using it confidently in no time.

7. Regular Updates

  • The more recent a framework, the more frequently it is updated. Vue is subject to more frequent updates than older frameworks, so there is always something new to learn and explore. That’s exciting from a functionality standpoint, but it does require some time to understand each update and upskill accordingly.

8. Fewer Plug-Ing

  • Vue uses fewer plug-ins than other frameworks by definition. This can be disconcerting for software developers who have grown accustomed to having these tools available to them.

9. Fabulous Support

  • Angular and React may have the support of Google and Facebook, but even these behemoths pale in comparison to the open-source community.
  • Vue is successfully challenging the frameworks of the tech giants, thanks to the support of local developers and sponsors mentioned earlier. Support is quick and responsive, with most questions answered the same day, and support guides are regularly and consistently updated.

When to Choose Vue JS?

When to Choose Vue JS?

Vue is outstanding for the rapid delivery of start-up ideas and MVPs, thanks to efficient tools like Vue CLI 3 and Vue UI. It has a low learning curve and is a low-cost solution for small- to medium-scale apps. The following are some of the best-suggested scenarios for using Vue technology:

1. Prototyping with Basic Skills

  • Vue makes it simple for even inexperienced designers to quickly prototype. To begin with, any project can benefit from writing components in CSS, HTML, JavaScript, and HTML templates.
  • A developer can also configure and arrange the app to use the traits in much less time by using Vue UI or Vue command-line interface. If a developer becomes stuck, Vue’s highly regarded community and documentation come to the rescue at any point and make it user-friendly for beginners.

2. Unified Integration with Numerous Apps

  • Vue, a JavaScript framework, can be an excellent choice for integrating with existing server-rendered (multi-page) apps as well as single-page apps (SPAs). It offers the benefit of unified integration with the existing app built with popular web frameworks such as Express, Laravel , and Rails.

3. Publish an MVP

  • Do you need to publish an MVP quickly? Without a doubt, Vue’s existing reusable components and templates can help you speed up the app development process and launch your MVP.

4. Interactive Elements and Animation

  • People’s attention can be captured in an instant by animation. Creating animations is a good way to keep users on your app for a longer period of time. Furthermore, it has become an essential component of modern apps and websites.
  • Vue proposes a flexible and elegant API with seamless transitions between views and adaptable architecture to meet these requirements. It has numerous ways to create eye-catching animations using built-in modules based on CSS animation.

Attributes of the Vue.js Framework

Attributes of the Vue.js Framework

1. Animations 

  • Developers have several opportunities to use animation-rich libraries thanks to the Vue.js framework. This makes for a more user-friendly UI for clients.

2. Virtual DOM

  • Effective drifting algorithms, simplicity, and improved performance are all provided by this feature. Software developers can construct programs using it without having to worry about state changes because it is lightweight.

3. Calculated Properties

  • These are the fundamentals of Vue.js that motivate software development teams to examine changes to user interface elements and perform significant calculations without the need to write additional code.

4. Templates

  • The document object model can be fixed with Vue.js data using the HTML-focused template provided by the Vue.js framework. The Virtual DOM render function’s ability to aggregate templates makes the process of developing UI faster and simpler. Additionally, it improves the UI function and the user experience.

5. Data Binding

  • The framework enables designers to make changes to the styling. Moreover, it makes it possible to design software more quickly, maintain it more easily, run programs quickly, and write more readable code.

6. Libraries and Tools

  • For all the core operations, Vue.js provides a variety of tools implemented, such as tools for routing and mapping, authorized loading, CLI and feature development tools, etc.

Who Is Using Vuejs Framework?

Who Is Using Vuejs Framework?
  • According to the State of JavaScript survey, the percentage of web developers who use Vue and plan to use it again has increased from 19.6% in 2017 to 28.8% in 2018. It received 91.2% of the maximum gratification rating from its users in the same survey. Several reputable and large brands around the world have used Vue due to its exceptional front-end features and capabilities. Adopting Vue.js technology has benefited top companies such as Grammarly, Alibaba, Xiaomi, Reuters, and Laracasts.


We hope the above information will help you to answer what is vue used for and why vue.js is used. To gain a better understanding of Vue’s best features, you can browse through a variety of websites, UI components, templates, plugins, and anything else built with Vue. In terms of backend support, Laravel, a PHP framework, recommends using Vue.js for the front-end framework, though this is not required.

Vue.js Development Company provides a variety of software solutions, including web apps, single-page apps, custom apps, and real-time apps. We know that building great software is just the start. That’s why we also offer ongoing maintenance and support, plus additional services such as help with moving to new systems.


Vue is simple, easy to use, and highly customizable. Some users are also more at ease with the Vue user interface.

Vue is a lightweight and simple to write framework. Migrating or integrating Vue.js into existing projects is easier and faster due to its use of components and familiar templating syntax. As a result, Vue is an excellent choice for start-ups but can also be used in large-scale apps.

Tagline Infotech
Tagline Infotech a well-known provider of IT services, is deeply committed to assisting other IT professionals in all facets of the industry. We continuously provide comprehensive and high-quality content and products that give customers a strategic edge and assist them in improving, expanding, and taking their business to new heights by using the power of technology. You may also find us on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.