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How to create an angular 15 project from scratch?
Last Updated: 6 Mar 2023,6 min read
Quick Summary
If you are trying to figure out how to create an Angular 15 project then you are at the right place. Here in this blog, you can see a clear guide to building an angular project for the growth of your business. Angular is an open-source JavaScript-based framework that is written using TypeScript. Maintained by Google, it is used to build various types of single-page applications and progressive web apps. This blog will be helpful to you if you are trying to figure out how to create Angular project version 15 from scratch.
If you are wondering how to create an Angular project then angular.js tools must have know and the Angular 15 version should be installed in your system. You need to follow these steps before you start the process to build an angular app.
Let’s understand How to Install Angular?
Here, understand how to create Angular project with latest version, specifically version 15.
To create an Angular app on your system you require the prerequisites given below.
Here are the steps to install Angular on your local system:
1. Node js
Angular does not need Node.js directly and it is not mandatory to use Node.js. But you will need Node.js for all the build and development tools.
2. Npm package manager
Angular, the Angular CLI, and Angular applications depend on npm packages for many features and functions. To download and install npm packages, you need an npm package manager.
Once this process is completed you need to install Angular CLI to solve your question about how to create the angular project.
Simply open a terminal window and run the commands that are given below.
npm install -g @angular/cli
This command will install all the necessary dependencies for angular
Now the Real process starts to create an Angular project:
To setup an angular project you need to run the command that is given below.
ng new {{ project_name }}
It will ask some questions like below.
If you want to use routing which is a very important part of the angular application, press Y.
Then it will ask for the style sheet format. You can choose whichever you want. SCSS is preferable because of code reusability, smaller code size, and more readable code.
And that’s it, you are done. It will automatically create a whole new angular application with all the necessary dependencies.
After that fresh angular application will look like this.
To run the project run the below command in the terminal:
Now to run the angular project you need to type the command in the terminal that is given below.
ng serve
And the output of fresh application will look like below
Now that you understand how to createAngular 15project, let’s get an overview of the files and structure of Angular.
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Overview of files and structure
1. Node modules
Node modules is a folder containing all internal and external dependencies files which are very important to running projects.
2. Src
The Src folder contains 2 folders named app and assets and some other files. Most of the work will be in the app folder which is actually a module.
The app module contains 6 files, 2 for modules and the other 4 for components.
We must create all child modules and components inside the app module.
assets : All necessary assets which are required for projects like images are placed in the assets folder.
favicon.ico : Website favicon icon to render as website icon before the title of the page.
Index.html : This file should not need any explanation, it’s the first the end user will see when the application gets loaded.
main.ts : This file acts as the entry point of the application. This entry point is defined in the internals of webpack that is used by Angular to support the modular functionality.
style.CSS : This is a file containing global styles in one place. For example : Creating global styles button or any other elements. We can also import other style files inside it.
3. .editorConfig
This file is for the configuration of the code editor.
4. .gitIgnore
Place all the files or folders path which should not be pushed to the version control system(Github).
5. package.json
This file will contain the project name, version, some predefined and custom scripts(commands), and all the dependencies and dev-dependencies
dependencies : All the dependencies(internal and external) which are required to run projects on local or production servers.
dev-dependencies : All the dependencies which are only required while developing a project, not in the production server of the project.
6. package-lock.json
The package-lock.json is a file, automatically generated for any operations where npm modifies either the node_modules tree or the package.json file. It describes the exact tree that was generated. In short, it describes the dependencies of dependencies in simple language.
Basic information about the application and we can also add modifications here.
8. tsconfig.json
The tsconfig.json file is a configuration file used by the TypeScript compiler in an Angular project to specify how TypeScript code should be compiled into JavaScript.
The tsconfig.json file includes various settings that control the behavior of the TypeScript compiler.
The file extends the base tsconfig.json file, which is also located in the src folder. It overrides or extends the settings defined in the base file specifically for the application code.
9. file is a configuration file in an angular project which specifies how an angular application should be compiled by Typescript.
10. tsconfig.spec.json
The tsconfig.spec.json file is a configuration file used by the TypeScript compiler in an Angular project to specify how TypeScript code should be compiled for tests.
In an Angular project, unit tests are typically written in TypeScript, and the tsconfig.spec.json file is used to configure the TypeScript compiler to compile the test code.
I hope that these steps are helpful to create an angular project for your business. This blog will help you to understand the ways to create an Angular project from scratch. For beginners, it can be tough to build an angular app and you can follow the steps that are mentioned in this blog to easily create the angular project. The developers can easily follow these steps to create a new angular project as per your requirements. You can hire Angular developers to have high-quality web applications for your business that provide the best performance. Since Angular is maintained by Google, they mostly release new versions with better build sizes and new functionalities around every 6 months.
To create an angular project you need to set up the environment and after that, you can follow the steps that are mentioned in the blog to get a simple Angular app.
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